Executive Coaching Drives Leadership Success

Executive Coaching Drives Leadership Success

The Workplace Coach partners with senior executives and leaders, including business owners, sales managers, and other professionals, to equip them to thrive in a fast-changing world. We tailor our results-oriented executive coaching services in Atlanta to meet your organizational or individual goals, needs, and circumstances.

In partnership with our senior Atlanta executive coaches, you’ll gain new insights, identify realistic strategies and solutions and develop practical action plans to drive change and positive transformation. Our Executive Coaching in Atlanta and beyond is focused on the following areas:

We specialize in executive coaching and leadership development coaching that optimizes performance in areas such as managing others, critical thinking, and building strategic partnerships. Empower your professional journey and hire an executive coach from The Workplace Coach to navigate through your leadership and career challenges with confidence.

The Coaching Process

Every coaching engagement with The Workplace Coach is customized to meet the needs of individual participants and their organizations.

We begin by gathering qualitative and quantitative information in order to understand your business or leadership issues and the culture and context in which you operate. Then we work closely with you to identify the most effective path for you or your organization. Want to hire an executive coach? Contact The Workplace Coach today.

Work with Us –
The Workplace Coach Key Benefits

Develop capacity for strategic thinking and planning
Embrace a CEO mindset
Communicate more persuasively and effectively
Handle complex challenges with confidence
Foster employee engagement and productivity
Ensure the success of newly promoted managers
Elicit top performance from team members
Create a workplace culture of innovation and growth
Map a well-defined career path and action plan
Take your company to the next level

Sample 6-Month Executive Coaching Engagement

While fully customizable, a typical 6-month coaching engagement may include:

Initial half-day strategy session, in Atlanta or virtually, to develop goals and a targeted action plan and review data from 360-degree assessments, EQ-i 360, DISC, etc.

Up to 12 coaching sessions to discuss the coaching client’s progress and challenges and provide accountability as you work toward agreed-upon goals. (Coaching is usually every two weeks for six months, by phone, videoconference, or in person.)

Coaching typically focuses on creating awareness and insights around issues the client is facing, developing strategic responses, and drafting an action and accountability plan.

Achieve Breakthrough Results

Our process with individual executive coaching clients typically includes thefollowing phases:

  • Define success and growth goals
  • Assess strengths, skills, and performance gaps
  • Create a development plan
  • Activate learning and growth strategies
  • Sustain growth through accountability structures

We look forward to providing you or your organization with high-performance executive coaching in Atlanta and beyond. If you are looking to hire an executive coach or partner with a coaching firm, we'd love to hear from you.


of employees say coaching shows that their employer cares about them

99 %

of employers say coaching has a positive or very positive impact on their business


of employees say coaching helps them overcome challenges. Coaching helps them move forward with their careers.